Turn group chat notifications on or off on Workplace Chat
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Ndihmë për aplikacionin e iPhone
Ndihma për kompjuterat
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If you’re in a group chat on Workplace Chat, you can turn notifications on or off for messages and message reactions.
Turn group chat notifications on or off using Workplace in a desktop browser
- From Chats, hover over the chat you want to mute or unmute.
- Click the 3 horizontal dots on the right.
- Click Mute chat or Unmute chat.
- If you select Mute chat, select how long you want to mute the chat for.
Turn group chat notifications on or off using the Workplace Chat desktop app
- Right-click the chat you want to mute or unmute.
- Click Mute notifications or Unmute notifications.
- If you select Mute notifications, select how long you want to mute the chat for and then click Confirm.