Solve users’ login issues on Workplace

If a user is struggling to log in, first check that they’ve tried our troubleshooting steps.
If you and the user are unable to solve their issue, contact Workplace support.

Access codes for email-less users

If the user who is struggling to log in doesn’t have an email address attached to their Workplace account, then you can generate an access code to help them get back into their account.

Generate a new access code for an employee

  1. Click Admin PanelAdmin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click PeoplePeople.
  3. Find the user account who you’re generating an access code for. You can filter results to speed up your search.
  4. Click the three dots More to the right, then select Get access code.
    • You can also generate access codes for all email-less users by clicking the three dots More at the top of PeoplePeople and selecting Get access codes.
  5. Provide the access code to the user who forgot their information.
The user should now go to, then enter the new access code, confirm their unique username and set a new password.
Note: Access codes are sensitive data. Anyone in possession of an unused access code will have full access to the account to which the code relates. Distribution of access codes should be tightly controlled. Below is important information about access codes to keep in mind:
  • They're a 16-character string of letters.
  • Only 1 is valid per account at any time.
  • Generating a new access code for a user invalidates all old codes.
  • They're valid for 90 days after generation.
  • When an access code is successfully used to claim or recover access to an account, the access code is invalidated.
  • Admins can deactivate an unused access code at any time.

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